New Features in LPVR Version 4.8


Our LPVR series is the primary solution on the market for users who want to expand the scope of their virtual reality or mixed reality headsets by using external tracking systems such as ART, OptiTrack or Vicon. Use cases are varied and range from entertainment (location based VR) and engineering use cases (ergonomic studies in AR) to helicopters and virtual cars which are actually driving on Japan’s public roads. At LP-Research, we have continuously developed the LPVR series of solutions over the past years. We have expanded its scope, added support for new headsets, and included new functions.

The image below shows an LPVR installation based on design content created by automotive prototyping company Phiaro Inc. in Tokyo, Japan.

The latest release is version 4.8.0, which we released in June of 2023.  As usual, it comes in two flavors:

  • LPVR-CAD which supports stationary use-cases, and
  • LPVR-DUO which is our variant for moving platforms, be they cars or simulators.

We support all the major tethered headsets (SteamVR headsets, Pimax, Varjo).  We also support Meta Quest series headsets and the Vive Focus 3 with our LPVR-Air series of products. If you have a current support contract, you are eligible for an update.

A Brief Overview of LPVR-CAD and LPVR-DUO

It’s maybe best to summarize some of the capabilites that our products add to the various commercial headsets.  For more details, feel free to visit the product pages for LPVR-CAD and LPVR-DUO, respectively:

  • Cover arbitrary large areas and have VR scenes taking place in them
  • Have an arbitrary number of users interact in such a space
  • Do VR/AR inside a car or any other moving platform
  • Track your user to sub-millimeter precision together with any number of props with no perceivable latency
  • Use SteamVR controllers without the Lighthouses

We can do this because our proprietary sensor fusion algorithms allow us to combine the measurements of high-precision motion tracking camera systems with the measurements of the headset’s Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). For the case of a moving platform, we can additionally incorporate data from an IMU installed on the platform to provide for a responsive, accurate performance also in those circumstances.

New Features

For a short overview of the changes in each version, please refer to our Release Notes. Here we will give some highlights and dig into some details. LPVR 4.8.0 is the result of continuous development in the half year or so since our previous releases.

New GUI Organization and Visual LPVR-DUO Configuration Interface

The most obvious change to users will be the reorganized GUI which streamlines the setup, completely doing away with the need to enter any JSON codes, while coming on a more cleanly organized surface. Especially for our LPVR-DUO users this means a vast simplification of the system.  We have maintained the old configuration interface as an option to guarantee compatibility with existing workflows, but we don’t think that users will have to resort to it. Please let us know if your experience is different. If your headset tracking body is already calibrated, you should now be able to setup LPVR-DUO with some five mouse clicks.

When you load up the configuration, it will look something like this. Note that you no longer are led to a JSON editor where you manually have to enter the configuration. Instead you are greeted by a friendly, informative GUI.

At the bottom of the page, you will see links to the Documentation, a Calibration screen, and an Expert Mode, basically the old JSON editor. The Calibration screen is used for the setup of the Platform IMU and simplifies it down to a few mouse clicks in the usual case. No more looking for some quaternion values in log files! Please check out the corresponding documentation.

Varjo Headset Eye Point Adjustments

Together with Varjo and with cooperation of several of our customers we were able to identify and correct some imprecisions in the handling of the headset’s position. These would show up as small coordinate mismatches between the optical tracking coordinates and the coordinates reported to VRED or Unity etc. Additionally, this would lead to some unnatural motion of AR overlays, especially when turning the head.

Optimal performance requires updating both Varjo Base to at least version 3.10 and LPVR to at least version 4.8.0.  Updating Varjo Base fixes the underlying issue, updating LPVR corrects the interfacing.  If you cannot update Varjo Base, you can still update LPVR-CAD-Varjo to version 4.8.0 and enable a workaround.  To do so, please open the Varjo Base configuration GUI on the System tab and then add patchPositionBug=true in the field labeled Additional Settings followed by clicking the “Submit” button. Note while this works around the issue in Varjo Base before version 3.10, it is not recommended to use this option with the updated versions of Varjo Base.

Varjo Configuration Refinements

Different environments call for different setups.  Some of our users use administrator accounts, others have multiple users but want them to use the same configuration.  We have updated the way we organize on-disc storage of the configuration to address these possibilities.  In particular you can now establish a system-wide configuration default, and you can override it per-user.  In the case of LPVR-CAD, additionally, the configuration is entered inside Varjo Base by default, but to allow users greater flexibility, it has always been possible to use our web interface or files on disk to perform the configuration.  While these are not the preferred choice, it was previously not possible to see from Varjo Base whether the on-disk configuration is in use.  We have added a prominent status information that points to the configuration, as in the screen shot below.  In the case of LPVR-DUO the configuration is always loaded from disk as the added flexibility of our configuration page is required, but in LPVR-CAD the user will have to opt in. We describe the process briefly below.

The user can prepare a global, system-wide default configuration in %ProgramData%/Varjo/VarjoTracking/Plugins/LP-Research/LPVR-CAD-Varjo/configuration/settings.json. Changes on the configuration page will not change this configuration, but will instead be written to the per-user configuration %LocalAppData%/LP-Research/LPVR-CAD-Varjo/settings.json. If either file is present, the configuration inside Varjo Base will be ignored and the user can use their web browser to configure LPVR-CAD. In this way, an administrator can prepare a configuration that works with the setup, and any user can customize it to their needs. For LPVR-DUO, there is no configuration interface inside Varjo Base, instead the user will always point their web browser to http://localhost:7119. Here, a system-wide default configuration can be placed in %ProgramData%/Varjo/VarjoTracking/Plugins/LP-Research/LPVR-DUO-Varjo/configuration/settings.json, and a per-user override can sit in %LocalAppData%/LP-Research/LPVR-DUO-Varjo/settings.json. The web interface will always update this per-user file.

LPVR-DUO Demonstration

In order to familiarize you with the neighborhood of our office and, more importantly, to show what can be done with LPVR-DUO, here is an in-car mixed reality demonstration. The video screens on the glove box may look almost real but they are an overlay imposed on the see-through camera image of a Varjo XR-3 using an out-of-the-box LPVR-DUO set. Notice how the screens firmly remain in place during turns of the user’s head as well as turns of the car itself, even when diving into some of the steeper roads of the Motoazabu area in central Tokyo.

See-through Display First Look – LPVIZ (Part 3)

Virtual Dashboard Demonstration

This is a follow-up post to the introduction of our in-vehicle AR head mounted display LPVIZ part 1 and part 2.

To test LPVIZ we created a simple demo scenario of an automotive virtual dashboard. We created a Unity scene with graphic elements commonly found on a vehicle dashboard. We animated these elements to make the scene look more realistic.

This setup is meant for static testing at our shop. For further experiments inside a moving vehicle we are planning to connect the animated elements directly to car data (speed etc.) communicated over the CAN bus.

The virtual dashboard is only a very simple example to show the basic functionality of LPVIZ. As described in a previous post, many a lot more sophisticated applications can be implemented.

The video above was taken through the right eye optical waveguide display of LPVIZ. We took this photo with a regular smartphone camera and therefore it is not very high quality. Nevertheless, it confirms that the display is working and correctly shows the virtual dashboard.

The user is looking at the object straight ahead. In case the user rotates his head or changes position, his view of the object will change perspectively. An important point to mention is the high luminosity of the display. We took this photo with the interior lighting in our shop turned on normally, and without any additional shade in front of the display.

Design Prototype and Inside-out Tracking – LPVIZ (Part 2)

LPVIZ Prototype Industrial Design

This post is a follow-up to the introduction of our augmented reality (AR) headset LPVIZ. See our previous post here.

For the past two months the LPVIZ team has been working hard to improve our initial prototype. We have enhanced the device’s appearance and optimized it ergonomically. My colleague Seeon Mitchel has made draft 3D prints of the design that he has been planning for the initial release of LPVIZ. The results are looking excellent (Figure 1 & 2).

The ring design for fixing the unit to the user’s head feels comfortable. Even for longer usage duration the unit does not cause fatigue to the neck. See below two photos of the current functional prototype with the newly printed shell.

Figure 1, 2 – The fully functional LPVIZ design prototype

Inside-out Tracking and Gesture Recognition

The latest LPVIZ prototype features a built-in stereo camera. We are using the excellent Rigel module by the company UltraLeap that allows us to, at the same time, run a SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping) algorithm and UltraLeap’s hand tracking.

Using the Rigel’s stereo camera, my colleague Thomas Hauth has developed a state-of-the-art inside-out tracking algorithm that allows the headset to be used inside a vehicle, even if no special cameras are installed. The video (Figure 3) below shows the fundamental functionality of the algorithm.

Figure 3 – The video shows the fundamental functionality of the LPSLAM inside-out tracking algorithm

It is important to note that this will not be a full replacement for ART outside-in tracking inside the vehicle. ART’s tracking engine is more accurate and robust under difficult lighting conditions. Still, our purpose is to also serve customers that have a smaller budget or no possibility to install additional equipment inside their vehicle.

Thomas wearing LPVIZ

AR HMD for In-Car Applications – LPVIZ (Part 1)

What is In-Vehicle AR

This article describes our first steps in the development of an AR HMD for in-car, aerospace and naval applications.

Over several years we have developed our LPVR middleware. In the first version the purpose of this middleware was to enable location-based VR with a combination of optical and IMU-based headset tracking. Building on this foundation we extended the system to work as a tracking solution for transportation platforms such as cars, ships or airplanes (Figure 1).

In contrast to stationary applications where an IMU is sufficient to track the rotations of an HMD, in the in-vehicle use-case, an additional IMU needs to be fixed to the vehicle and the information from this sensor needs to become part of the sensor fusion. We realized this with our LPVR-DUO tracking system.

Applying this middleware to existing augmented reality headsets on the market turned out to be challenging. Most AR HMDs use their own proprietary tracking technology that is only suitable for stationary use-cases, but doesn’t work in moving vehicles. Accessing such a tracking pipeline in order to extend it with our sensor fusion is usually not possible.

Illustration of In-car VR Installation

Figure 1 – Principle of in-car AR/VR as implemented with LPVR-DUO


There are a large number of applications for in-car augmented reality ranging from B2B use-cases for design and development to consumer-facing scenarios. A few are listed in the illustration below (Figure 2).

AR applications in a car

Figure 2 – In-car AR use cases range from a simple virtual dashboard to interactive e-commerce applications. The “camera pass-through” enables the driver to virtually look through the car to see objects otherwise occluded by the car chassis.

HMD Specifications

For this reason, we decided to start the development of LPVIZ, an AR HMD dedicated to in-vehicle applications. This AR HMD for in-car, aerospace and naval applications is to represent the requirements of our customers as closely as possible:

  • Strong optical engine with good FOV (LUMUS waveguides), unobstructed lateral vision (safety), low persistence and high refresh rate
  • System satisfies all requirements for immersive AR head tracking (pose prediction, head motion model, late latching, asynchronous timewarp etc.)
  • HMD is thethered to computing unit in vehicle by a thin VirtualLink cable
  • Computing unit is compact, but powerful enough to run SteamVR and thus supports a large range of software applications
  • Options to use either outside-in or inside-out optical tracking inside the vehicle, as well as LeapMotion hand tracking

In-Car HMD Hardware Prototype Development

We have recently created the first prototype of LPVIZ, with hardware development still in a very early stage, but enough to demonstrate our core functionality and use-case well.

Thomas wearing LPVIZ

Figure 3 – Tracking of LPVIZ works based on our LPVR-DUO technology making use of ART outside-in tracking and our LPMS-CURS2 IMU module. This image shows Dr. Thomas Hauth performing an optical-see-through (OST) calibration.

Figure 4 – The LPVIZ prototype is powered by a LUMUS optical engine. This waveguide-based technology has excellent optical characteristics, perfectly suitable for our use-case.

Work in Progress

As you can see from the prototype images, our hardware system is still very much in an alpha stadium. Nevertheless we think it shows the capabilities of our technology very well and points in the right direction. In the next hardware version that will already be close to a release model, we will reduce the size of the device, applying the points below:

  • Use active marker LEDs instead of large passive marker balls OR inside-out tracking
  • Collect all electronics components on one compact electronics board, with only one VirtualLink connector
  • Create a compact housing, with a glasses-like fixture instead of a VR-style ring mount (Figure 5)

Figure 5 – First draft of a CAD design for the housing of the LPVIZ release version

LPVR Middleware a Full Solution for AR / VR

Introducing LPVR Middleware

Building on the technology we developed for our IMU sensors and large scale VR tracking systems, we have created a full motion tracking and rendering pipeline for virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications.

The LPVR middleware is a full solution for AR / VR that enables headset manufacturers to easily create a state-of-the-art visualization pipeline customized to their product. Specifically our solution offers the following features:

    • Flexible zero-latency tracking adaptable to any combination of IMU and optical tracking
    • Rendering pipeline with motion prediction, late latching and asynchronous timewarp functionality
    • Calibration algorithms for optical parameters (lens distortion, optical see-through calibration)
    • Full integration in commonly used driver frameworks like OpenVR and OpenXR
    • Specific algorithms and tools to enable VR / AR in vehicles (car, plane etc.) or motion simulators
Overview of LPVR Middleware Functionality

Application of LPVR Middleware to In-Car VR / AR

The tracking backend of the LPVR middleware solution for VR and AR is especially advanced in the aspect that it allows the flexible combination of multiple optical systems and inertial measurement units (IMUs) for combined position and orientation tracking. Specifically it enables the de-coupling of the head motion of a user and the motion of a vehicle the user might be riding in, such as a car or airplane.

As shown in the illustration below, in this way the interior of a vehicle can be displayed as static relative to the user, while the scenery in the environment of the vehicle moves with vehicle motion.

Illustration of In-car VR Installation

For any application of augmented reality or virtual reality application in a moving vehicle, this functionality is essential to provide an immersive experience to the user. LP-Research is the industry leader for providing customized sensor fusion solutions for augmented and virtual reality.

If you have interest in this solution, please contact us to start discussing your applications case.