
One application of the LPMS inertial measurement technology is the tracking of human motion. For this purpose we have developed the LpMoCap human motion capture application.


Motion data is acquired from the sensors and transmitted over the OpenMAT middleware to the motion capture application.

Features and capabilities

  • Application of inertial measurement data to human model.
  • Access to an inlimited number of LPMS sensors using the OpenMAT middleware.
  • Custom models can be constructed by the user using a simple XML description language.
  • Pre-made standard human model is provided.
  • Easy and quick model calibration procedure.
  • Real-time visualization of human motion as a 3D model.
  • Real-time computation of saggital, transverse and coronal projection angle for each link in the model.
  • Recording and playback of motion information.
  • Export of motion data (link positions, angles etc.) as CSV file.

This screenshot explains the functionaity of LpMoCap, our motion capture application (click on image to enlarge).
