
Many modern computing devices such as tablet PCs, smartphones, laptops etc. contain sensors for measuring the device’s motion. Information about the motion of the device such as translation and rotation are useful for various end-user applications such as games, activity monitors, in-door / out-door positioning systems, position-oriented shopping applications etc. Operating systems usually offer device manufacturers an API to integrate drivers for their hardware into the system. What in many cases is missing is the appropriate middleware to process the raw data from the sensors and transform it information that can be easily accessed by application programmers.

With the LpMotionware LP-Research offers a middleware system that fills the gap between the hardware drivers and the operating system / user applications. The LpMotionware transforms the raw data from sensors such as gyroscopes, accelerometers, magnetometers and pressure sensors to orientations quaternions, Euler angles and 3D translation coordinates.


LpMotionware processes raw sensor data from te hardware driver level of a device and transforms it into orientation and translation information.

Core Features

  • Middleware for processing motion sensor raw data in order to achieve accurate, fast and reliable orientation and translation information.
  • Support for various OS platforms like Windows, Android, Linux and easily portable to other systems (embedded, OSX, iOS etc.).
  • Easy implementability and adaptability to specific hardware and device platforms.


Supported input sensors
  • Gyroscopes
  • Accelerometers
  • Magnetometers
  • Pressure sensors
  • Temperature sensors
Supported output formats
  • Orientation quaternion
  • Rotation matrix
  • Euler angle
  • Angular velocity
  • Translation x, y, z (experimental feature)
  • Sensor fusion algorithms for orientation and translation computation.
  • Gyroscope and magnetometer calibration algorithms.
  • Configurable extended Kalman filter.